
ALL IN ONE RELOAD SYSTEM-cn- 016-252 0726


我们的Top-Up系统可以用SMS Top-up或者是用网上系统Top-up给自己或顾客。
我们的网址和给你个user name和密码以便可以让你进行网上加额。

★ 成为Top-up Master ★

★ 成为Top-up Dealer ★

★ 成为Top-up Agent ★

→ 最快和最有效的服务器
Fastest and most efficient server

→ 您可以从RM5充值
You can recharge from RM5

→ 使用预付充值系统24小时
Rrepaid recharge system 24 hours

→ 一次注册,终生免费
Once registered, lifetime free

→ 无销售目标和时间限制
No sales targets and time limits

→ 任何人都可以参与这项业务
Anyone can participate in this business

→ 充值服务,24小时/ 365天
Recharge service, 24 hours / 365 days

→ 自动充值及Softpin
Automatic recharge and Softpin

→ 随时随地帮助您的客户充值
Help your customers recharge anytime, anywhere

→ 无需库存充值卡
No inventory prepaid card

→ 免费的Web报表来查看您的交易,余额等
Free Web reports to view your transactions, balances, etc.

→ 销售可以通过短信或网站进行
Sales via SMS or website

→ 注册为Master可以自己开无限量Dealer下线赚取佣金
Registered as a Master you can open your own Dealer downline earn an unlimited amount of commission
→ 注册为Dealer可以自己开无限量Agent下线赚取佣金
Registered as a dealer you can open your own agent downline earn an unlimited amount of commission
→ Master 可以自己设定Dealer下线的%
Master can set their own Dealer downline %
→ Dealer可以自己设定Agent下线的%
Dealer can set their own Agent downline %
→ 每个星期日系统会自动结算佣金到Master, Dealer 和 Agent的户口

every Sunday the system will automatically settlement commission to master, dealer and agent account

*欢迎中学生,大学生,家庭主妇,杂货商店老板,电话店老板 ...
Welcome to high school students, college students, housewives, grocery store owner,phone shop owner ...

* Can Sell Using SMS @ online
* Get a free web server
* Can top-up online
* Can pay phone bill Maxis , Celcom , DiGi , U Mobile , astro bill , molpin and more.
* Transaction Reports Every Time Sales Do
* Can Register Your Own Agent unlimited .
* The registration fee you set yourself.
* Percent profit agency under you can set yourself.
* Earn Commissions Overriding Downline Purchase .
* Minimum capital add RM101 and above.

Server gateway number:

CELCOM____016-660 2222
DIGI010-528 2222
MAXIS010-884 2222
UMOBILE013-510 5555

~ 只要有一部手机和电话号码
~ 无需更改电话号码
~ 惠普可以重新加载西尔康,明讯,向Digi,缴纳手机话费等。

What do you need?
Only one handset and phone number
No need to change the phone number
HP can reload Celcom, Maxis, Digi, pay the phone bill etc.

